Frequently Asked Questions

What makes a Nano Range different from your average Wifi Extender?
The Nano Range is specifically optimized to enhancing performance when gaming. Although it can be used for things such as TVs, and cellular devices, it is more so targeted towards PCs and consoles.

WIll the Nano Range work on Consoles (Xbox, PlayStation, Switch, etc.)?

Yes, the Nano Range works with anything that requires an internet connection. Although it is recommended for gaming use.


Does the Nano Range come with an Ethernet Cable?

Yes, the Nano Range comes with a 5 inch ethernet cable.

Will the Nano Range give me 0 ping?

The Nano Range works differently depending on how it works with your main router. For most, it will boost the speed and decrease ping, however depending on how far away you are from your main router, your Nano Range, will extend that range and provide stable connection.

Why not just run an Ethernet Cable from your router straight to your pc?

This is a very common method used to increase wifi speed. However, not everyone is close to their main router, so it can be difficult to receive a good connection. Not everyone is able or allowed to run an ethernet cable across their entire house to their pc or console. This is where the Nano Range comes in. The Nano Range is a cheap, and easy solution to this issue.